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Northeastern Crossing Second Anniversary

D. Elaine Hall-Corbin

This night at the Crossing was the celebration of their Second Anniversary and the opening reception for artists Cicely Carew. Derek Lumpkins Director of Northeastern Crossing spoke a few words surrounding the purpose of the Northeastern Crossing space in the city and especially in this community. Following his remarks Derek Lumpkins gave a warm greeting and introduction of Cicely Carew, the artist whose work is being exhibited in this space at this moment. Cicely’s opening was about her life transition and how its playing a significant role in her artistic life at this moment and its representation through her art. Her transition began with her move from the West Coast back to the East Coast with a few stops along the way where she finally made her home in Cambridge, MA with her young son.

Cicely’s works are Monotype printing which is drawing an image in ink or paint on glass then pressing through a specialized printer. Her art was a healing and celebration of herself and what was going on in her life through her art. She says Monotype ink: making press helps get her ideas out much faster than painting that’s a much slower process. Cicely likes movement, it’s part of her artistic makeup which you could clearly see by just watching her. Her short explanation of Monotype printmaking is placing ink on Plexiglas then moving it around on white paper or other textures. Cicely’s other life movement: she’s a Yoga and Pilates instructor. Her art is building visual vocabulary by expressing movement through her work and she loves textures. Her challenge always is how to preserve the white and she loves engaging materials and tools in her art movement. Using shapes covers more of the white. She states art is about the pay, joy and being in the moment and allowing her to say, “It’s gonna be ok.”



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